Sunday, January 19, 2014


Here's the link in case you missed the article.

March 4 at all seven polling places. 

New Milford Democrats for Change welcomes the opportunity to display our deep town-wide support, although we would note the primary will cost taxpayers $5,000-to $10,000. 

In response to the News-Times article, I would only say we gave many DTC members every chance to join our slate. Except for Walter Bayer, they declined, didn't even return phone calls.  Our initial letter to the DTC membership invited EVERY member (except for John Lillis) a chance to join our slate.  We explained that it had proved impossible to make changes in the DTC from within due to the top leadership. In many cases we followed up with phone calls or personal requests to join our slate. So a "purge" was NOT our idea.  The DTC members who stayed with the leadership had every opportunity to hedge their bets but REFUSED.

-- Andy Grossman

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